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Good morning, happy Sunday, and happy Easter or Passover to those who celebrate! We had a beautiful week of spring weather and fresh blooms here in Virginia, complete with a couple of new books, sports practices, and holiday prep. All of the highlights, along with each of our dinners, are included in today’s roundup of Our Week in Meals!

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For those of you who are new to the blog, Our Week in Meals is where I share a little bit about what we’ve been up to over the past week — as it relates to our dinners each night. This series gives you a glimpse “behind the scenes” at some highlights from our life, shows you how I balance a busy schedule with feeding my family, and offers a few new ideas for your own weekly meal plan. Now, let’s back up to last weekend…

My morning started with a walk at Mollie’s farm with three of my girlfriends, followed by an afternoon on the soccer fields for Casey’s game.

We got home just before dinner, so Keith grilled pork chops,

Close up shot of juicy grilled pork chops

I made a pot of rice and some Parmesan roasted squash for the side,

Close up front shot of parmesan roasted yellow squash on a blue and white platter

and sliced a loaf of zucchini bread that I baked earlier in the day.

Close up front shot of stacked slices of easy zucchini bread recipe on a cutting board

Plus an easy chocolate pudding pie for dessert. The perfect Sunday supper!

After a week off for spring break, everyone returned to work and school on Monday. The boys were definitely not happy about this, but I reminded them that they only have 6 weeks left in the school year…which seems mind-blowing to me, and seems lightyears away to the kids.

I had a busy day of cooking and testing recipes in the kitchen, picked up the last of my neighbor’s eggs from her farm (she lost all of her chickens to a fox over the weekend 😞), and eventually fed everyone an early supper before two different soccer practices.

We had steak fajitas, along with tortilla chips, salsa, and homemade guacamole. Always a hit!

Close overhead shot of sliced steak fajitas recipe on a cutting board

Tuesday included a couple of walks with my girlfriends, work at the computer, and house chores.

I also prepared a double-batch of buttermilk biscuit dough to stash in the freezer for Easter. The key to smooth, stress-free holiday meals is lots of prep in advance!

Tossing grated butter with self rising flour

We ate another very early supper that night before Keith took Casey to his soccer practice in Orange. On the menu: our favorite oven-roasted lemon chicken breast,

Overhead shot of roasted lemon chicken in a pan

along with roasted asparagus, and pasta with pesto sauce. I tossed the asparagus with olive oil, seasoned it with salt and pepper, and added it to the baking sheet with the chicken during the final 12-15 minutes — no extra pans to wash!

Oven roasted asparagus on a white serving platter

Not too much to report from another routine Wednesday…

I started the morning with a walk with Ashley after school drop-off, and then came home to prepare the dough for homemade dinner rolls to bake on Easter. You can’t have a ham around here without biscuits and rolls! I just shape the rolls in advance, and then freeze them in the pan before the second rise.

Shaping easy dinner rolls in a glass dish

I used the leftover roasted chicken from dinner the previous night to make a half-batch of Southern chicken salad for lunch (tastes just like my fave chicken salad from Yoder’s)!

Close overhead shot of southern chicken salad recipe served in a blue ceramic bowl.

We had New Orleans-style BBQ shrimp for supper, which is one of the kids’ favorite meals,

Close up front shot of a spoon in a skillet of BBQ Shrimp

along with cornbread and steamed green beans on the side. Then out the door for Gibbs’s soccer practice.

Pouring honey over a slice of cornbread

I’ve got another book to share this week, and I’m not sure how I felt about it. I picked up Oh, William! by Elizabeth Strout because I’ve heard some folks say that it’s the best book they’ve ever read. I suppose that’s setting very high expectations, but I was definitely disappointed. Strout is a Pulitzer prize winner, and this novel was a New York Times bestseller, but I found the stream-of-consciousness format to be very odd…and I just wasn’t a fan. That said, others obviously adore this one. Have you read it? Am I missing something?! I’d love to hear your thoughts. Here’s the summary from Amazon:

Lucy Barton is a writer, but her ex-husband, William, remains a hard man to read. William, she confesses, has always been a mystery to me. Another mystery is why the two have remained connected after all these years. They just are.

So Lucy is both surprised and not surprised when William asks her to join him on a trip to investigate a recently uncovered family secret—one of those secrets that rearrange everything we think we know about the people closest to us. What happens next is nothing less than another example of what Hilary Mantel has called Elizabeth Strout’s “perfect attunement to the human condition.” There are fears and insecurities, simple joys and acts of tenderness, and revelations about affairs and other spouses, parents and their children. On every page of this exquisite novel we learn more about the quiet forces that hold us together—even after we’ve grown apart.

At the heart of this story is the indomitable voice of Lucy Barton, who offers a profound, lasting reflection on the very nature of existence. “This is the way of life,” Lucy says: “the many things we do not know until it is too late.”

The temperature reached 88°F on Wednesday, and the fruit trees seemed to “pop” overnight! By Thursday morning, the yard was looking particularly colorful…

File this under “Things that Make Me Really Happy”: (1) my first iced coffee of the season, (2) outside at the warm picnic table, (3) with fresh clippings in a vase handmade by my very talented mom!

We had two soccer practices on the schedule that evening, so I made an easy dinner in advance that we could serve straight from the fridge whenever folks needed to eat: Cold Peanut Sesame Noodles with Chicken — an oldie-but-goodie!

Much of my Friday was devoted to running errands in Culpeper, including the groomer, the car wash, Target, and drive-thru lunch sandwiches for me and Keith from Panera Bread.

The kids and I stopped for ice cream cones as a fun after-school snack, and then came home for a quiet evening without any organized sports on the agenda for the holiday weekend.

I had some meatballs in the freezer, so I made the easiest meatball subs for dinner,

Meatball subs for a crowd on a platter

which we paired with potato chips and a Caesar salad.

Homemade caesar salad served in a bowl on a wooden table

I have one more book to share this week, since it’s a quick read that I see as a “bonus!” Daffodil Season is book #9 in Melanie Lageschulte’s Melinda Foster series. These books remind me a lot of Hallmark movies — light and predictable, but also entertaining and heartwarming. I love reading a new one at the start of each season, so this was the perfect way to kick off spring. If you’re interested in diving into the series, I’d definitely recommend starting with the first book, Growing Season, which takes place during the summer — perfect for the coming months!

Saturday was another gorgeous day, and since the kids didn’t have any soccer games scheduled, I was able to spend a big portion of the day getting ready for Easter. We’re hosting my parents, my in-law’s, and both of Keith’s brothers and their families, so we have a fairly big group coming to the house this afternoon.

My mother-in-law is bringing the ham and a green bean casserole, my mom is bringing the potatoes and a bunny cake for the kids, and my sister-in-law will have the appetizers and a salad. In addition to the biscuits and dinner rolls that I prepped earlier in the week, I baked an easy one-bowl carrot cake on Saturday,

Close up side shot of an easy carrot cake recipe on a plate with a bite taken out

and made a key lime pie (Keith’s favorite) to add to the dessert table.

Overhead shot of homemade key lime pie recipe on a white surface

This morning I’ll assemble the bacon-wrapped asparagus so that I can easily pop it in the oven before supper, as well as the Watergate salad.

Overhead shot of hands holding a serving tray full of the best bacon wrapped asparagus recipe

I arranged flowers for the centerpiece (saved from the pruned limbs that Keith cut from our red delicious apple trees),

pulled out my grandmother’s china to set the dining room table, wiped down the pollen-coated outdoor furniture, stuffed plastic eggs for an egg hunt, and assembled the Easter baskets. I think the Bunny is ready!

And after a busy day of prep, I told Keith that I was taking the night off from the kitchen (as I usually do on Saturdays). He picked up Pizza Hut for dinner, and we called it night!

So happy that porch-sitting season is upon us, and I’m looking forward to adding potted flowers and hanging baskets as soon as it’s warm enough!

Have a wonderful Easter Sunday or Passover for those who celebrate, and thank you for joining me here today. I hope that you’ve found some new inspiration for your own table in the days ahead. Enjoy the week!🐰🐣💐


Hey, I’m Blair!

Welcome to my farmhouse kitchen in the foothills of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. Inspired by local traditions and seasonal fare, you’ll find plenty of easy, comforting recipes that bring your family together around the table. It’s down-home, country-style cooking!

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Square overhead shot of hands serving a chicken pot pie recipe with biscuits
Overhead image of a bowl of chili mac on a dinner table with cornbread
Hands serving a platter of sheet pan sausage and potatoes

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  1. Norma says:

    What a lovely table you’ve created! Particularly love the apple blossoms in with the roses–beautiful! Enjoy!

    Curious–what are the dark things on top of your porch columns (which are fantastic!)? My husband thought they might be some kind of lighting; I thought maybe it was something to discourage birds from nesting there. We have Eastern Phoebes here in abundance and they often try to use the top of our porch posts for nesting rather than the nesting ledges we have provided. We found by putting a simple wood triangle at the top is enough to discourage them.

    Happy Easter!

    1. Blair Lonergan says:

      Hah! That’s so funny that you noticed the porch! They’re squares of old bricks, which Keith put up there to discourage the bird nests, too. 🙂 Nothing very sophisticated!

      Hope you have a wonderful Easter, and enjoy this beautiful weather!

  2. Cathy says:

    Happy Easter! Your menu sounds delicious and your table looks beautiful! Nice to have a bit of a break from organized youth sports, isn’t it!

    1. Blair Lonergan says:

      Thank you, Cathy! Yes, I SO appreciated the free day yesterday to get organized for the holiday. Meanwhile, the boys kept asking why they couldn’t play soccer! 🙂

  3. Sue says:

    I really enjoy reading about your week with your family and your wonderful recipes. Our weather in central Pennsylvania is crazy right now. One day near 80, the next day in the 40’s!!! Happy Easter

    1. Blair Lonergan says:

      Thank you, Sue! Happy Easter to you, too! Yes, we can have drastic swings like that here as well. It’s nuts. Almost 90 degrees last week, and 45 degrees expected tomorrow (I’m not a fan of that forecast!). 🙂

  4. Stephanie says:

    Hi Blair! Thank You for posting the recipe for the Chocolate Pudding Pie! (One of my favorite desserts) HAPPY EASTER! I hope you have a wonderful day with your family!

    1. Blair Lonergan says:

      Oh, good! I hope that you get to try it soon!

  5. Annette Burdick says:

    Happy Easter Blair to you and your family! Enjoy the day! I am making your Southern Pineapple Casserole to have with our Ham Dinner today. Looking forward to having it. First time making it.

    1. Blair Lonergan says:

      Thank you, Annette! I hope that you love that pineapple casserole. It’s so perfect with ham! 🙂

  6. Marion says:

    So nice to be able to catch up with you and the family again after my move. Glad to have a kitchen to myself again but still figuring out what utensils are missing, like measuring cups and spoons and a colander, before I can really get started cooking. That is really a dirty shame about your neighbor losing all her chickens. I guess foxes need to eat too but oh,noooo!

    1. Blair Lonergan says:

      Oh, wow — a move is such a huge undertaking. Hope you’re settling in nicely!

      1. Marion says:

        Thanks! You’re not kidding!

  7. Mila says:

    Hi Blair,

    I thought I left a comment last week but I see it hasn’t gone through. I wanted to say that if you read Elizabeth Strout’s books in order, they will read differently. There is certain continuity among them, and the characters in the “Oh, William” are developed from her previous books. Strout is a wonderful author. I hope it helps!

    1. Blair Lonergan says:

      Oh, that makes more sense! I didn’t realize that it was part of a larger series. I could see how that would fit together and the characters would seem more developed. Thanks, Mila! 🙂